Program Manager
Cliff E. Kaye
Cliff E. Kaye (Suwipya), is Iswungwa (Coyote Clan) from the Village of Mùnqapi. After attaining a Bachelor of Science in American Indian Studies (AIS) with a minor in Nonprofit Administration from Arizona State University (ASU), he was admitted as a member of the first cohort for ASU's inaugural American Indian Studies Master of Science (MS) program. He acquired his AIS MS Tribal Leadership and Governance degree in 2016. Cliff enjoys engaging in work that advances the success of tribal communities and strives to contribute in efforts that positively benefit the Hopi people.
Program Associate
Aaron Secakuku
Aaron Secakuku is an enrolled member Hopi Tribal member from the village of Bacavi on the Hopi Reservation, and is of the Greasewood clan. Aaron is married with two daughters and they currently reside in Flagstaff, Arizona where they have called home for over 30 years. Prior to joining the Hopi Leadership Program, Aaron was employed with Red Feather Development as a program manager overseeing the education and for a short time the construction portions of the organization. He has been involved in several non-profit organizations in his professional career and has served in many capacities including interim appointments as an Executive Director. Aaron also served on the governing side of a nonprofit as a Board member and has had the opportunity to serve on several positions on an executive committee, including serving as Board president on a few of the boards. Volunteering his time and giving back to the community has been a privilege. Aaron looks forward to this new position and utilizing his past work experience to benefit the organization moving forward. serve in